Af Mads Nygaard
Har du nogensinde fået anmeldelser, der efterlader dig knust? Skete for mig i 2007. Her er to af dem:
“Romanen kunne være sjov og tankevækkende på én gang, men jeg er ikke fri for at mene, at den er vældig trættende. Kravl er en sørgelig roman iklædt en grotesk sprogdragt af en opfindsom forfatter, der ikke i denne roman har fundet balancen mellem sit stofs dysterhed og sin stilistisk monomane teknik.” – May Schack, Politiken
“Man kan sagtens more sig med Mads Nygaard, som ikke savner hittepåsomme indfald, men bagefter sidder man tilbage og undrer sig over, hvad det egentlig er, han vil? Måske vil han bare fortælle en burlesk historie, og det har han i alle fald gjort. Men tomt føles det.” – Mai Misfeldt, Berlingske
Jeg satte mig med min hund ved Vesterhavet i en måned. Så gik jeg i banken, lånte 30.000 og fandt en fantastisk oversætter ved navn Steve. Sendte herefter bogen afsted til USA. Ventede i 15 år. Og så udkom den i staterne. Til disse anmeldelser:
“In style and concept When Me And God Were Little evokes a form of early literary modernism to which great Danish authors made such significant contributions. To me, Nygaard suggests the socially-conscious naturalism—with ironic and symbolic flourishes—of Henrik Pontoppidan, and the stories in fairy tale and fable format of Karen Blixen. Yet, there is also a postmodern literary aspect to this work that creates just enough distance from structural artistry to highlight the emotion and humor within.” – writer and critic Robert Crooke
“Full of wit and tragedy, you will laugh and wince at Karl Gustav’s antics, which routinely get him kicked out of class. Not that he minds in the least; he would prefer to be outside with his soccer ball, or pursuing Gina, or any other activity. “I jumped over the sky and in through the living room window” he claims, and I almost believed him.” – Seattle Book Review
“When we take our leave of Karl Gustav, Mads Nygaard has shown us that despite poverty and great loss, a boy can become a man, but community is required, the more eccentric the better.
This winning, modern folktale celebrates the miracle that integrity and maturity can take shape on the very site of disaster.” – Nicie Panetta, The Academy Of American Poets
“Along the way, Mads Nygaard offers perceptive insight into how children process grief and guilt, how boys learn to treat women when they grow up, and how a man builds a life in the aftermath of loss.
When Me and God Were Little is witty, inventive, quirky, and discerning. It’s quite an accomplishment.” – The Woven Tale Press
Samme roman. En verden til forskel. Hvis du elsker dine bøger, så lad dem ikke dø.
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